Individual Differences in Succession Planning and Leadership Qualities: A Conceptual Paper

@ Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism

Online ISSN: 2710-6519

Muhammad Afnan Mahusain & Sree Kala Kunju Raman Nair

Abstract: This study utilised quantitative and qualitative methods to provide insights into the factors influencing the succession planning process at the three-tier upper management and how they contribute to the development of leadership qualities in 5-star hotels in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Specifically, it explores the role of internal factors, such as individual differences, in the development of talented leadership qualities alongside a few specific internal factors, such as social identity, leadership talent, and workplace envy as the mediating factor. The study employed the human capital theory and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as the underpinning theories that link anticipatory behaviour to social identity and leadership talents which leads to succession planning and the development of leadership qualities. The study sample consisted of 260 upper management personnel from 42 hotels in Kuala Lumpur. The findings shed light on how succession planning is conducted in the hotel industry, particularly given the diverse backgrounds of its employees. Further, suggestions of reassessing the current process of developing and grooming future upper management by considering the differences within the organisation are also discussed.

Keywords: Succession planning, leadership qualities, mixed methods, management, upper echelons

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