Taylor's FSLM Journals
The Bubble Drink Industry in Malaysia: An Empirical Assessment of Repurchase Intention

@ Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism

Online ISSN: 2710-6519

 Kandappan Balasubramanian, Fan Wai Mun & Vinesh Ramalingam 


The food and beverage market is one of the largest growing industry in Malaysia with an annual growth rate of 25.4% and an expected increase from the current revenue of USD34 million to USD38 million in 2022. According to the Malaysian market forecast of 2018, there will be an increase of 1.6% in consumers eating out from the current one (5.2%). Given the growing number of customers in the Malaysian food and beverage industry, there is also a rising trend of bubble drink outlets. Considering the limited research that exists on the repurchase intention of bubble drinks among Malaysian consumers, this study examines the relationships between perceived value, affective emotions, interactional fairness and price fairness over customer satisfaction and their repurchasing intention behaviour in the bubble drink outlets. Data collected from 200 Klang Valley consumers were analysed using SPSS and SEM. Research findings show that there is a positive relationship among affective emotions, interactional fairness and perceived value over customer satisfaction while the price fairness relationship was not significant. The findings have important implications for the long-term sustainability of bubble drink outlets by increasing customer satisfaction. Additionally, this study defined a meaningful and real understanding of repurchase intention. 

Keywords: Repurchase intention, bubble drink outlets, customer satisfaction, Malaysia.