Taylor's FSLM Journals
Humour in TV advertisement: Its effects on the buying preferences of university students

@ SEARCH Journal of Media and Communication Research

Online ISSN: 2672-7080

Kemberly Ann S. Adalon, Mary Grace J. Bagsican, Charmine Marie A. Jamis, Apple May G. Valerio & *Ramir Philip Jones V. Sonsona


Advertising executives and marketers employ many strategies to encourage and persuade the audience to take action or even continue to buy certain products. One of the forms of advertising that is commonly applied in reaching a comprehensive coverage is humour. The primary purpose of this study is to identify the presence of humour in TV food advertisements and how it produces the desirable effects in persuading university students to buy or adopt products. Respondents evaluated the characteristics and features of humour content in the TV advertisements of food products. Findings reveal that the relationship between respondents’ daily school allowance and brand preferences of food products is significant. Funny or hilarious elements were found in noodle advertisements; and respondents were persuaded to buy these products due to their affordability, convenience, and quick meal preparation. When it comes to the humour content of these TV advertisements, silliness and exaggeration stand out as effective tools that marketing executives employ. Lastly, the buying preferences of food products is closely related to the ease of preparation and food culture of college students. Generally, they perceive and appreciate humour in food advertisements, and hence their motivation in availing these products is due to their affordability which they find to be inviting and satisfying their needs.

Keywords: TV advertisements, humour, food products, buying preferences, university students