Taylor's FSLM Journals
Special Issue: New Methods in the Study of Food Behaviour

@ Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism

Online ISSN: 2710-6519

Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Poulain; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elise Mognard


This special issue is a result of the partnership between Taylor’s University, University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès and CNRS. The relationship which started in 1986 with pedagogical cooperation experienced growth over the years and witnessed the evolution and transformation of the academic contexts (Poulain, Laporte, Tibère, & Neethiahnanthan, 2014). Taking into account the quality and importance of the partnership as a joint department, the Taylor’s Toulouse University Center, co-chaired by both presidents of Taylor’s University and of University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, was established in 2009. After more than 30 years, the partnership has led to 15,000 graduates, involving 4 bachelor degree programmes, 2 master programmes and continuing education programmes in the fields of tourism, hospitality and food, inclusive of a collaboration with the Academy of Toulouse (GRETA) for diplomas...